Contents of Press Kit
Photos of Buddy LaHood

Art in Environment

Artist Statement
I live in a beautiful setting outside Valdosta, Georgia with huge Spanish moss-covered Live Oaks, tall Georgia pines, and beautiful green hayfields. I am semi-retired after caring for the elderly residents of our family owned assisted living facility for the past forty years. I’ve have been happily married for 45 years and we have 15 wonderful grandchildren who all live nearby. My paintings are inspired by the beauty of God’s creation. I thank Him daily for giving me the desire and ability to paint. I took art classes at Valdosta State College for two years when I was 19 and 20 years old but I did not pursue art again until about 24 years ago. I have been mostly self-taught but for the past five years I have attended workshops and benefited greatly by the guidance of such artists as Robert Joyner, Audrey Phillips, Martica Griffin, Krista Harris, Jimmy Touchton, and Steve Aimone. My painting style continues to evolve and I thoroughly enjoy exploring different mediums and techniques.
About Buddy LaHood
I paint abstract and semi-representational paintings with acrylics, other water based paints and other forms of mixed media. My work has been described as colorful, energetic, spontaneous, bold, childlike, expressive, funny, quirky, and eccentric. One of the most exciting stages of a painting is when I open a blank canvas and begin making marks or applying paint. It’s like creating a brand new world with limitless possibilities. There are ups and downs and sometimes struggles along the way but in the end I usually have a great sense of satisfaction with what God has created through me.
I love to apply paint to a canvas or board and watch as the colors, shapes, line and design emerge. I don’t usually have a preconceived subject matter when I start a painting. Once I apply paint and other marks to the canvas, I usually see a composition begin to emerge and I develop it until it is balanced and pleasing to look at. I often see something whimsical in my paintings and will either develop it or obliterate it. I like my paintings to be uplifting and cause the viewer to smile. A highly respected artist once told me that my paintings are quirky and eccentric. I wasn’t sure if I liked that description at first but after thinking about it I must admit that I am a little quirky and eccentric so he was right; my paintings are a reflection of me. I thank God continually for giving me the desire and ability to create interesting and beautiful paintings.

Word Art: Nunito Sans Bold
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For media and press inquiries please contact artist agent, Steven Heddon, at (229) 460-0479.