What is Abstract Art?
Have you ever been caught in awe admiring a work of art? Art is beautiful and can fascinate viewers with its vibrant colors, detailed strokes, and a variety of exotic and simple shapes.
So, what is abstract art? Unlike any other form of art; the unique style of abstract art captivates the eyes, hearts, and wonder of viewers as such pieces of art use freedom of style and expression with various combinations of materials, colors, and shapes. Abstract art makes you think.
Painters like Buddy LaHood paint with freedom and passion giving viewers an intangible and emotional experience that makes you feel, consider and wonder about the meaning of each art piece.
He says that the inspiration to make such beautiful art comes from the ability to reproduce feelings.
“When a visual experience touches an artist’s emotions it motivates the artist to want to create something,” said LaHood. “Inspiration happens when we see something that stirs our intellect or moves our emotions. It causes a response in us to want to put what is inside us out there for others to see and enjoy.”
Abstract art brings up an appreciation for the things we take for granted or do not notice due to our busy lives. It makes us slow down and think about the simple things and see the beauty in it all.
“By recognizing God’s supreme creativity and using the talent He gave me to create something beautiful or inspiring,” LaHood said. He desires to reflect in his work goodness, beauty, and happiness in pieces.
To view more of Buddy LaHood’s abstract pieces, view his abstract gallery.